Mira Kartbayeva-Mikhail Lermontov

Friday, 25 March 2016


Wie toevallig vanaf het Centraal Station van Rotterdam richting het grafich Lyceum loopt zou eens een kijkje moeten nemen in het ZoHo kwartier. Een mooi in blauwtinten geschilderd vrijstaand gebouw gluurt daar de Zomerhofstraat in. Hier bevindt zich de meest populaire Argentijnse tangoschool van Rotterdam: Cuartito Azul.

Oorspronkelijk was de school gesitueerd om de hoek van het Centraal Station. Echter na 14 jaar florerend verblijf maar met verbouwingsplannen van de gemeente in het verschiet, besloten de eigenaren van de school tot de overstap naar een ander gebied. Met behoud van inboedel en sfeer is de tangoclub neergestreken op een perfecte plek om met nog meer professionaliteit danslessen en live muziek tot hun recht te laten komen.

Nederland is een land met veel ruimte voor professionals darns, en een land met eengeschiedenis aangaande tango. Malando en tegenwoordig zijn zoon Danny vertolken deze Latijns Amerikaanse muziek al decennia lang.
We bezochten Tangoschool Cuartito Azul en spraken de eigenaren, tevens docenten van de school,
Hugo Buiten en Marieke Timmer. Het docententeam wordt versterkt door Hendrik Jan van Rijswijk met zijn vrouw Ester Huijnen, Regina Lerma Martinez, Stijn Rademakers en Debora Soto. Tezamen werken ze aan het verspreiden van de dans die inmiddels op de Werelderfgoedlijst staat.

We komen binnen in een elegante lobby en wanen ons meteen in Argentijse sfeer, ook al zijn de nationaliteiten van de dansers zeer divers. Een ruime garderobe, receptie en bar brengen ons naar de patio met overvloedige druiven in de zomer. Er zijn drie zalen, twee voor de lessen en een grote voor lessen en alle andere evenementen die in de school plaats vinden. Er is een fraaie huiskamer waar de cabaceo uit de oude stijl tango beoefend kan worden, en naast de decoratieve piano in de grote zaal vind je een podium waar met regelmaat oorstrelende muziek wordt vertolkt.

Al pratend horen we dat Cuartito Azul vroeger een plek was waar al het nieuwe uit Buenos Aires werd uitgeprobeerd en onderzocht. Er werd veel geimproviseerd en in 'open stijl' gedanst, met veel grote bewegingen en af en toe een beetje wild. In het 'Cuartito Nuevo' zijn de lessen meer gericht op techniek, subtiliteit en salondansen, en is er veel ruimte voor sociale ontmoetingen.
Hugo en Marieke kwamen elkaar zo'n twintig jaar geleden tegen in de Nederlands tangoscene en zijn sindsdien ook naast de dans een stel dat zich dagelijks inzet voor de tango en elkaar aanvult voor de beste resultaten.
Mensen komen naar de school om te dansen, met vrienden te zijn. Er zijn door de jaren heen veel
culturele evenementen geweest en er zullen er nog veel volgen. De leeftijd van de dansers loopt erg uiteen, van 25 tot 70 jaar, en ook het aantal nationaliteiten is divers.
Tango wedstrijden vinden ze niet zo passen bij de tango. Ze geven de voorkeur aan inspiratie die naar een hoog niveau leidt, samen werken, samen delen om tot het beste te komen.
In september heeft het Cuarteto Fabian Carbone de muziek verzorgd, in oktober was het grote orkest Mala Pinta te gast, en in december heeft het tango orkest van het Rotterdams Conservatorium/Codarts gespeeld op een sprankelende dansavond.

Hoe meer we met ze praten en kijken naar de dansende paren, hoe meer we ons kunnen indenken dat de wereld deze dans nodig heeft. Ook vanwege het feit dat de geneeskunde en psychiatrie in staat was te onderstrepen dat muziek en tango-bewegingen de meest ernstige problemen van de vermaatschappelijking van mensen met Parkinson, autisme en depressie kan corrigeren.
Marieke en Hugo zijn hiervan ook op de hoogte, maar hebben nog geen ingang gemaakt naar de specifiek therapeutische kant van tango. Wieweet dat ze zich daar in de toekomst nog in gaan verdiepen, de interesse is er in ieder geval wel. Maar vooralsnog zijn de dagen en avonden al gevuld met reguliere tangolessen en organisatorische werkzaamheden.

In de loop van de jaren zijn we veranderd door in deze school les te gevenverteltHendrik Jan. Onze
verstandhouding als koppel is verbeterd en geintensiveerd, en door in contact te zijn met zoveel mensen voelen we ons vervuld en nuttig.
Regina vertelt: Ik ben heel tevreden door te zijn gestopt met mijn baan en hier s'avonds les te gaan geven. Tango betekent voor mij optimaal vrouw zijn in het leven, ik leef in een symbiose met de dans en ervaar problemen in het leven nu anders, lichter en met meer sereniteit.

We blijven nog een tijd om naar de foto's aan de muren te kijken en naar de dansers in de lessen.a een glas fijne Merlot nemen we afscheid met de belofte om niet meer terug te keren als journalist, maar als een van de meest enthousiaste dansstudenten van de wereld.

Mikhail Lermontov and Mira Kartbayeva for INC News - 23/03/2016 - © INCnews2016

We have visited the new Cuartito Azul Tango School in Rotterdam!


If, by chance towards the grafich Lyceum from the Rotterdam Central Station runs would agree to take a look at the Zoho quarter. A beautifully painted in shades of blue detached building Peek Zomerhofstraat in there. Here are the most popular tango school of Rotterdam Cuartito Azul.
Originally, the school was located around the corner from Central Station. However, after 14 years flourishing stay but renovation plans of the municipality in the offing, private school owners to move to another area. Retaining furniture and atmosphere tango club is perched on a perfect place to come with even more professional dance lessons and live music into their own.

Netherlands is a country with lots of space in front of professional dance, and a land with a history tango. Malando and now interpret his son Danny this Latin American music for decades.
We visited Tangoschool Cuartito Azul and spoke to the owners, also teachers of the school, Hugo Pool and Marieke Timmer. The teaching team is strengthened by Hendrik Jan van Rijswijk with his wife Ester Huijnen, Regina Lerma Martinez, Stijn Rademakers and Debora Soto. Together they work to spread the dance that is now on the World Heritage List.

We enter into an elegant lobby and delusions us in Argentinian atmosphere, although the nationalities of the dancers very diverse. A spacious wardrobe, reception and bar bring us to the patio with abundant grapes in the summer. There are three rooms, two lessons and a big one for lessons and other events that take place in the school. There is a beautiful living room where the cabeceĆ³ can be practiced in the old style tango, and in addition to the decorative piano in the main room you find a stage which is performed regularly mellifluous music.

While talking, we told Cuartito Azul was once a place that already has been tried and tested in the new Buenos Aires. Much was improvised and danced in "open style", with lots of great movements and occasionally a little wild. In the "Cuartito Nuevo classes are more focused on technique, subtlety and ballroom dancing, and there is much room for social encounters.
Hugo and Mary came together twenty years ago by the Dutch tango scene and his
since then besides dance a set that complements daily commitment to tango and another for best results.

People come to the school to dance, be with friends. There have been over the years a lot of cultural events and there will still be many. The age of the dancers varies widely, from 25 to 70 years, and the number of diverse nationalities.
Tango matches find they are not as fit tango. They prefer the inspiration that leads, work together to a high level, parts together in order to arrive at the best.
In September, the Cuarteto Fabian Carbone, the music provided in October was the big band Mala Pinta guest, and in December, the tango orchestra of the Rotterdam Conservatory / Codarts played on a sparkling dance.

The more we talk to them and watch the dancing couples, the more we can imagine that the world needs this dance. Also, because of the fact that medicine and psychiatry were able to underline that music and tango movements can correct the most serious problems of the socialization of people with Parkinson's, autism and depression.
Marieke and Hugo are also aware of this, but have not yet taken effect to the specific therapeutic side of tango. Who knows where they are going to delve more into the future, the interest is there in any case. But for now the days and nights have been filled with regular tango lessons and organizational activities.

In the course of the years his we changed by in this school lesson too givesaysHendrik Jan Our
understanding as torque is improved and intensified, and by being in touch with so many people, we feel fulfilled and useful.
Regina says: I'm very happy to have quit my job and go give this evening lesson. Tango does best woman for me in life, I live in a symbiosis with the dance and experience problems in life differently now, lighter and with more serenity.

We stay for a while to look at the pictures on the walls and the dancers in the lessons.
After a glass of fine Merlot we say goodbye with a promise not to return as a journalist, but as one of the most enthusiastic dance students of the world.

Mikhail Lermontov and Mira Kartbayeva in front of INC News- 03/23/2016 - © INCNews2016

Obama's Tango!

E' ormai di dominio pubblico il clip del Presidente Americano Barak Obama che danza il Tango in Buenos Ayres con la famosissima Mora Godoy, di fronte al Presidente dell'Argentina.
Ve lo riportiamo qui, non perchĆØ si debba criticare il fatto che Obama abbia ballato o meno il Tango, ma per far notare quanto importante puĆ² diventare l'occasione di farlo con persone importanti: persone giuste al momento giusto per qualcosa di giusto.

It is now public domain the clips of US President Barak Obama, which dances Tango in Buenos Ayres with the famous Mora Godoy, in front of Argentina's President.
I will report here, not because you must criticize the fact that Obama has danced the Tango or not, but to point out how important it can become an opportunity doing it with important people: the right people at the right time for something right.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Come scegliere le scarpe? - How to choose the shoes? 3rd part

Per quanto riguarda la scarpa femminile, si lascia di sicuro alla scelta della danzatrice il modello, ma noi riteniamo opportuno segnalare come spesso venga acquistata una scarpa che dopo due o tre volte che la si indossa, stringe alle dita, produce vescichette al calcagno e via di seguito. Dunque scegliere qualche cosa di veramente morbido, comodo e che non dia fastidio durante la danza, ma anche  dopo di essa; ideale sarebbe di indossare per qualche minuto in piĆ¹ le scarpe in negozio, per verificarne la comoditĆ , camminando, eseguendo qualche passo basico per testarne la comoditĆ”.  Circa il tacco diciamo che per me e Mira l’altezza ideale Ć© 7cm, 12 Ć© assurdo e  pericoloso, 4 troppo basso per tango, ma ottimo per le principianti. Un accorgimento utile per chi aquista scarpe femminili da danza: osservate bene la fattura della scarpa, della tomaia, del tacco, della suola e soprattutto che il tacco sia ben perpendicolare alla scarpa. Nell’indossare la scarpa, fate in modo che il vostro intero peso si inclini prima in un lato e poi nell’altro, per verificare la stabilitĆ” del tacco (molte volte si percepiscono scricchiolii o sbilanciamenti del peso dovuti ad un errato posizionamento di esso). Altro accorgimento sta nel controllare adeguatamente con pignoleria l’alloggiamento delle dita che risultano libere in punta. Molto spesso il tessuto Ć© rigido e tagliente, e dopo un paio di ore che si danza si percepisce il famoso dolore che precede la vescichetta da sfregamento. Suggeribile per le principianti una scarpa chiusa in punta, per far abituare il piede alla scarpa e al movimento della danza. In ultimo Ć© il cinturino, che deve essere posizionato bene e non dare alcun fastidio durante il periodo nel quale si indossa.

Come mantenere le scarpe? Le scarpe, una volta usate, devono essere spolverate, passate con una spugnetta di silicone protettivo e messe in un sacchetto di cotone o di cellulosa con un deodorante, la suola spazzolata con un pennello a setole molto dure o con una spazzola metallica e mantenute in forma o con la loro formina data dal produttore o con della carta di giornale accartocciata.

As regards the female shoe, the choice is left to the dancer about the model, but we believe appropriate to advise how often a shoe is purchased in a moment, and then after two or three times that it was wearing, shaking fingers, produces vesicles to the heel and away below. So choose something very soft, comfortable not only during the dance, but also after it; It would be ideal to wear them for a few more minutes in the store shoes, to ensure its convenience, walking, doing some basic step to test its comfort. About the heel size, we say that for me and Mira the ideal height is 7cm, 12 is absurd and dangerous, 4 too low to tango, but great for beginners. A suggestion for those that purchased from female dance shoes:  look carefully the model, the body of the shoe, the upper, heel, sole, and above all that the heel should be properly perpendicular to the shoe. In wearing the shoe, make sure that your entire weight is prone first on one side and then the other, to test the stability of the heel (often perceive crunches or unbalanced weight due to improper placement of it) . Another trick is to properly control with fussiness housing, the fingers that are free at the point. Very often the tissue is stiff and sharp, and after a couple of hours that dance is finished, it is perceived pain that precedes the vesicle from rubbing. It is suggested for beginners in a closed toe shoe, to accustom the foot to the shoe and the movement of the dance. Finally is the strap, which should be positioned well and not to give any discomfort during the period in which you are wearing the shoes.
How to keep your shoes? The shoes, when used, must be dusted, passed with a protective silicone sponge and put into a cotton or cellulose pouch with a deodorant, brushed sole with a very stiff bristle brush or with a wire brush, and kept in a form or with their form-shoes given by the manufacturer, or using the crumpled newspaper.
Check the moving of feet, here
Osservate il movimento dei piedi, qui

Monday, 21 March 2016

Come scegliere le scarpe? - How to choose the shoes? -2nd part of 3

2)-continuo-Vediamo adesso come scegliere la scarpa per danza. Prima cosa da considerare ĆØ che il modello, sia per uomo che per donna, deve combaciare con il vestito: non ĆØ la scarpa che fa decidere il vestito, ma il vestito che decide la scarpa!

2) -Continuous-Let's see how to choose the shoe to dance. The first thing to consider is that the model, for both men and women, should match the dress is not the shoe that makes deciding the dress, but the dress which decides the shoe!
I modelli per i due sessi sono davvero tanti e ci si potrebbe perdere nella scelta, ma il concetto per la scelta deve essere uno solo: comoditĆ  ed eleganza. Se per il maschio  la scarpa deve combaciare con il suo abito ed essere comoda, si deve tenere presente che nel caso si decida un tacco basico del modello Bolero, si dovrĆ  perĆ² prestare attenzione che si deve far abituare il piede e la caviglia al tipo di scarpa cui il piede non Ć© abituato. La scarpa da uomo non deve essere a punta ma arrotondata, e, come per quella da donna, deve avere suola e tacco adeguatamente rivestiti di tessuno antiscivolo. In ogni negozio che vende scarpe da danza, quando si chiede un modello per il tango,si  mostra in genere scarpe con suola e tacco adatti  a specifici pavimenti da danza: suole in camoscio, per pavimenti molto lisci ( il camoscio offrirĆ  una migliore aderenza); suole in cuoio, per piste normali; suole in cuoio con inserto in gomma, per pavimenti scivolosi (porcellana, marmo, alcuni tipi di legno duro). A volte si suole rivestire la suola di un tessuto vellutato tipo pannolenci, che si deve leggermente inumidire al momento della uscita in pista per danzare. 

The models of both sexes are many, and you could lose time for the choice, but the concept of the choice should be only one: comfort and elegance. If the male shoe should match his dress and be comfortable, it should be noted that in case should be used a basic heel model Bolero, though you will have to pay attention that you must get practice to the foot and ankle to the type of shoe you decided to use because the feet are not yet practice for the type never used before. The men's shoe should not be pointed but rounded, and, as for that of a woman, must have sole and heel properly covered with non-slip wigs. In any store that sells dance shoes, when you ask a model for the tango, it typically shows shoes with sole and heel suitable for specific dance floors: suede soles, for very smooth floors (the chamois will offer a better grip); leather soles, for normal slopes; leather soles with rubber insert for slippery floors (porcelain, marble, some types of hardwood). Sometimes it is customary to coat the sole of a velvet type pannolenci tissue, which must be moistened at the time of output on track to dance.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Come comperare le scarpe? - How to buy the shoes ? - prima parte , first part

Ci ĆØ venuto in mente uno dei tanti problemi che affliggono coloro che si vogliono dedicare a danzare il Tango: la scelta delle scarpe e del vestito!
Quando si comincia una stagione di danza, si suole chiedere ai nuovi allievi di indossare delle scarpe diverse da quelle di tutti i giorni, ed io e Mira abbiamo sempre consigliato due paia di scarpe: un paio per gli esercizi e per effettuare un poco di ginnastica e un paio per danzare. Alla fine della primissima lezione le domande erano sempre le stesse, ovunque andassimo a fare lezione: ma che scarpa compero? E noi a spiegare cosa, dove e come. Vediamo di riassumere quello che ĆØ il nostro concetto, poi vedrete un filmato e poi deciderete voi da soli cos, dove e come!

We came up with one of the many problems that plague those who want to devote to dance the Tango: The choice of shoes and dress!
When you start a dance season, it is customary to ask new students to wear the shoes different from those of every day, and Mira and I have always recommended two pairs of shoes: a pair for exercise and to make a little bit of gymnastics and a pair to dance. At the end of the first lesson the questions were always the same, wherever we went to give lessons: but what kind of shoes I have to buy? And we explained what, where and how. Let's summarize what is our concept, then you'll see a movie and then you decide for themselves what, where and how!

1)Dove comperare le scarpe? Noi consigliamo sempre di andare in negozi che vendono scarpe, ma anche scarpe da danza. In Europa, Russia e Americhe esistono in tutte le grandi cittĆ  specifici negozi per questo scopo. Comperarle in web puĆ² esserci il rischio che la misura non sia quella adatta e il costo a volte ĆØ identico a quello di un negozio. Tuttavia esistono specifici siti web dove specialisti del ramo danza vendono con accuratezza scarpe di buona fattura e danno agevolazioni di trasferimento merce in caso di misura non adatta. Non ĆØ nostra intenzione fare qui pubblicitĆ , ma in web esistono in Italia e Inghilterra ottimi siti per acquistare belle scarpe da uomo e donna a prezzi convenienti.

1) Where to buy shoes? We always recommend that you go to stores that sell shoes, but also dancing shoes. In Europe, Russia and the Americas exist in all large cities specific stores for this purpose. Buy them in the web may be a risk that the size is not suitable and the cost is sometimes identical to that of a shop. However, there are specific websites where specialists of dance branch sell with accuracy of well-made shoes and give transfer of goods facilities in case of measurement unsuitable. It is not our intention here to do advertising, but in Web exist in Italy and England great sites to buy beautiful shoes for men and women at affordable prices.

2)Come comperare le scarpe? Vediamo, prima di tutto parliamo di quelle per ginnastica o esercizi: Suggeriamo la classica scarpa da danza chiamata "ballerina", piatta, elasticizzata, che deve essere come un guanto per il piede e proteggere le dita. Di questo tipo di scarpa ve ne sono centinaia di modelli e noi abbiamo sempre lasciato che gli allievi scegliessero a loro piacimento. Tuttavia esistono taluni sandali che hanno lo stesso scopo. Qui trovate alcune immagini. Molti modelli, tranne quelli a sandalo, sono unisex.

2) How to buy shoes? Let us see, first of all let's talk about those for gymnastics or exercises: We recommend the classic ballet shoe called "dancer", flat, elastic, to be like a glove for the foot and protect your fingers. This kind of shoes there are hundreds of models and we always let the students chose at their leisure. However, there are certain sandals that have the same purpose. Here you will find some pictures. Many models, except sandal, are unisex.

(per evitare monotonia dell'argomento facciamo a puntate. Ora godetevi 15 minuti di Tango!)


Monday, 7 March 2016

Contemporary Tango - Balletto di Roma

Altro aspetto del Tango di oggi, quello "contemporaneo", Ć© quello rivestito dalla presa della danza milonguera tra le maglie della danza classica. Questo aspetto Ć© per noi molto positivo, perchĆ© certifica la grandissima valenza del Tango e della sua versatilitĆ” come poche danze hanno. Osservate questo filmato del "Balletto di Roma".

Another aspect of the Tango today, the "contemporary," is played by taking dance milonguera through the mesh of classical dance. This is very positive for us, because it certifies the great significance of the Tango and its versatility, as only just a few dances have. Watch this video of the "Ballet of Rome."

Contemporary Tango - Tango contemporaneo

Nella nostra carriera, abbiamo trovato molte restrizioni nel far comprendere che il Tango puo' essere danzato sempre,con qualsiasi musica o ritmo, purche' -coerentemente- si seguano con i passi le battute della musica. Con questo clip vogliamo darne un esempio, di cio' che vogliamo dire. Questo tipo di Tango viene definito Tango contemporaneo.

In our careers, we have found many restrictions in making it clear that the tango can be danced always, with any music or rhythm, provided - this is logical - you follow with the steps the beats of the music. With this clip we want to give an example of what we mean. This type of dance is defined contemporary Tango.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Due parole sulla Kizomba e il Tango - Two words about Kizomba and Tango

Moltissime persone hanno aperto contenzioso circa la differenza della Kizomba come danza a se stante e migliore del Tango, ma vorremmo far presente che il Tango proviene dal Candombe uruguayano e che la Kizomba ha molte affinitĆ” con il Candombe e quindi con il Tango. Osservate questi 4 filmati:

La moderna Kizomba ha origine in Angola negli anni 80, e da lĆ­ Ć© passata il Brasile come predecessore del Samba, ma di comune con il Tango ha una parte del timbro musicale e "l'abbraccio" che porta la coppia a stare profondamente in contatto rispetto il Samba o altre danze. 
Tutte le danze sudamericane hanno una origine africana e di comune hanno quasi tutto il ritmo del Candombe, che ora riportiamo qui con un altro filmato.
Chi danza Kizomba, apprende piĆŗ velocemente il Tango rispetto chi danza Salsa.


Ballo di Gruppo 2015 Disco Tango coreo Juanny' RBL

Un'altra novitĆ” italiana del 2015, fu quella di riprendere lo stampo dei cllege di danza Americani e di proporre agli allievi l'esecuzione di taluni passi in coreografie collettive in modo da abituare l'allievo alla propria immagine "pubblica" (il danzatore danza con altri) vita in uno specchio.

Osservate come qui Juanny sia riuscito nell'intento.

Una bellissima presentazione del nuovo Tango, 2015, Gianpiero Galdi e Maria Filali