Mira Kartbayeva-Mikhail Lermontov

Tuesday, 24 February 2015


Amici cari,
vi informiamo che Atyrau Tango School, sito gestito da Mikhail Lermontov (Misha) e Mira Kartbayeva (Mira), è connesso sia in Facebook che in Twitter, oltre ad essere visibile in blogspot. I nostri indirizzi sono:
3-https://twitter.com/TangoNomadLands @TangoNomadLands
4-email: atyrautangoschool@gmail.com    

Be free to contact us, and subscribe your name, for having all info about our incredible World called TANGO!

Dear friends,
we inform you that Atyrau Tango School, the site managed by Mikhail Lermontov (Misha) and Kartbayeva Mira (Mira), is connected to both Facebook and in Twitter, as well as being visible in blogspot. Our addresses are:
1-http: //mimi-tangonomadland.blogspot.nl
2-https: //www.facebook.com/atyrautango
3-https: //twitter.com/TangoNomadLandsTangoNomadLands
4-mail: atyrautangoschool@gmail.com

Be free to contact us, and subscribe your name, for having all info about our incredible World called TANGO!

Queridos amigos,
le informamos que Atyrau Escuela de Tango, el sitio dirigido por Mikhail Lermontov (Misha) y  Mira Kartbayeva (Mira), está conectado a Facebook y en Twitter, además de ser visible en blogspot. Nuestras direcciones son:
1-http: //mimi-tangonomadland.blogspot.nl
2-https: //www.facebook.com/atyrautango
3-https: //twitter.com/TangoNomadLandsTangoNomadLands
4-mail: atyrautangoschool@gmail.com

Sea en contacto con nosotros, y suscribirse a su nombre, por tener toda la información sobre nuestro increíble Mundial llama TANGO!

Дорогие друзья,
мы информируем Вас, что в Атырау Tango школа, сайт запускал Михаила Лермонтова (Миша) и Kartbayeva Мира (Mira), подключен как Facebook и Twitter, а также виден на Blogspot. Наши адреса:
1-клиента: //mimi-tangonomadland.blogspot.nl
2-HTTPS: //www.facebook.com/atyrautango
3-HTTPS: //twitter.com/TangoNomadLandsTangoNomadLands
4-почта: atyrautangoschool@gmail.com

Будьте свяжитесь с нами, и подписаться ваше имя, за то, что всю информацию о наших невероятных мире под названием TANGO!

Evaluation of epoch in music and dancing

Please, listen carefully the two realizations by two different singers on the same song. Between them 50 years! We are sure you noted that the movements to realize, have different aspects, in the two realizations.

Many singers have done the maximum to evolve Tango music, and Julio was one of them (here in a rhythm of Candombe)

E questa la versione piú moderna, della orchestra di Tango piú famosa di Olanda

Molti Direttori si sono alternati in musiche per Tango. Questa la versione piú gettonata del periodo che fu (1967)

La musica e il Tango uniscono le persone anche se non si conoscono

Ecco, il vero mondo del Tango é anche e soprattutto questo!

C'e' qualcuno che é in grado di fare la stessa cosa in un supermercato in Italia??

and General Review - Have you understood all?

And now we finish the short lesson of Tango with Embellishing Your Dancing...