Saturday, 11 October 2014
Tango concept, an argument to be just a little discussed at the beginning of training in dance
As we begin a new season of dance, we generally must show to the new dancers a basic minimum of Tango, both as history and as a technique and music. In our experience in Kazakhstan and St. Petersburg, there have been many schools in which the very first concept of making Tango was omitted. Why do you dance the Tango and what it is or where comes it from ? Moreover, it was omitted the mandatory condition that if you do not show some passion during the dancing, Tango loses interest. Sure, because it was created in the places of passion, sex, brothels of Buenos Ayres rich but in the same time poor, made up of immigrants and a few women, but many men. And out of the brothels, waiting to go up in one of the rooms of the brothel, the men what were waiting for? Danced between them, inventing movements following an archaic music played from a guitar, or a violin or a piano or, in a second period, a bandoneon.
Al comenzar una nueva temporada de la danza, por lo general, deberá presentar los nuevos bailarines un mínimo básico de Tango, tanto como la historia y como una técnica y la música. En nuestra experiencia en Kazajstán y San Petersburgo, ha habido muchas escuelas en las que se omite el primer concepto de hacer tango. ¿Por qué se baila el tango y lo que es o de dónde viene eso?. En la mayoría omite la condición obligatoria que si usted no se presenta algo de pasión en la danza, el tango pierde interés. Claro, por qué fue creado en los lugares de la pasión, el sexo, los burdeles de Buenos Ayres ricos pero pobres, al mismo tiempo, formado por inmigrantes y unas pocas mujeres, pero muchos hombres. Y fuera de los burdeles, a la espera de subir en una de las habitaciones del prostíbulo, los hombres que estaban esperando? Bailó entre ellos, inventando movimientos después de un día de música arcaica de una guitarra o un violín o un piano o, en un segundo período, un bandoneón.
C началом нового
сезона мы обычно показываем новым танцорам миниммальную базу Танго, включая
историю и технику, а также музыку. Исходя из нашего опыта в Казахстане и
Санкт-Петербурге, во многих школах первоначальное значение Танго была утеряна.
- Зачем вы
танцуете Танго и откуда оно? Более того,
если вы не покажете страсть во время выступления, то интерес к Танго пропадал.
И это не удивительно, ведь оно создавалось в публичных домах, борделях Буйнес-Айрес
богатыми и бедными иммигрантами в обществе мужчин и нескольких женщин. Пока другие
мужчины занимали комнаты в борделях, те кто стояли на улице танцевали друг с другом, изобретая движения под звучание гитары, скрипки или пианино, а во втором
периоде под бандонеон.
Nella splendida cornice di una metropolitana nuova e veramente bella....In the wonderful corner of a modern and really beautiful metro....
...Si e' svolta una Milonga organizzata in una delle piu' nuove stazioni di metropolitana dell'Asia, in Almaty. Sotto ottime luci e attorniati da decori molto nuovi ed eleganti, diverse coppie hanno danzato per un paio di ore sotto lo sguardo curioso dei passeggeri e passanti.
It took place on Friday 10 October a Milonga, organized in one of the new metro stations in Asia, in Almaty. Under good lighting and surrounded by walls filled with new and very stylish decorations, several couples danced for a couple of hours under the curious look of passengers and pedestrianss.
It took place on Friday 10 October a Milonga, organized in one of the new metro stations in Asia, in Almaty. Under good lighting and surrounded by walls filled with new and very stylish decorations, several couples danced for a couple of hours under the curious look of passengers and pedestrianss.
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