Mira Kartbayeva-Mikhail Lermontov

Monday, 18 May 2015


From today, every day we will post Tango Dictionary, letter by letter each single day, to permit you the correct understanding of all terminology connected with Tango Dance

tango, dictionary of terms

Abrazo embrace 
The tango embrace, in which the lead's right arm is around the follower's back; and the lead's left hand is clasping the follower's right hand.
1. Close Embrace: upper bodies touching or in very close proximity.
2. Open Embrace: no body contact.

Adelante forward 
To dance or move in a forward direction.

Adorno embellishment 
A creative movement that adorns or embellishes the dance.

Aficionado fan 
An enthusiastic follower, devotee or fan of something - in this case tango.

Aguja needle 
A man's embellishment in which the foot is vertical with the toe into the floor whilst pivoting.

Al costado to the side 
To dance or move in a sideways direction.

Amague fake 
Move in one direction that changes the direction at the last second.

Apilado piled on, leaning 
1. When the dancers are off axis and leaning against each other more tha usual.
2. A style of tango dancing which involves leaning.

Arrabal slum 
A term denoting the slums, which were pivotal to the creation of the milonga and tango.

Arrabalero rough 
1. Belonging to the outskirts.
2. Illbred.
3. Rough in dress or manners.

Arranque start 
A device for the leader to create momentum during a molinete: executed by pausing and leading the follower to the side.

Arrastre dragging 

Arrepentida repentant 
Steps which enable a couple to back away from a collision.

AtrĂ¡s backward 

To dance or move in a backwards direction.

And now the third part

Second part of three

This time we decided to change the system of teaching, using 3 videos really different from others!