Avete da poco potuto vedere alcuni filmati che ritraggono l'arte di un grande regista del folklore Spagnolo o gitano in genere: Carlos Saura. Un vero genio della cinematografia che parla di Tango, Flamenco e storie correlate, sia antiche che moderne. L'ottantaduenne regista ha prodotto, dal 1955 al 2014, 45 films ricevendo ben 39 awards per la sua incredibile produzione. Fu lui uno dei fautori della grande iniziativa di rendere patrimonio della umanità il Tango e il Flamenco. Vi suggeriamo di dare una lettura alla breve descrizione del grande regista ancora vivente, fatta su Wikypedia, per comprendere la sua dedizione alla danza.
Carlos Saura
Have you recently been able to see some movies that portray the art of a great director or Spanish gypsy folklore in general: Carlos Saura. A true genius of the film that talks about Tango, Flamenco and related stories, both ancient and modern. The 82 y.o director has produced , from 1955 to 2014, 45 films receiving 39 awards for his incredible production. He was one of the great proponents of the initiative to make the heritage of humanity Tango and Flamenco. We suggest you give it a read the brief description of the great director still living, made on Wikypedia, to understand his dedication to dance.
Carlos Saura
Have you recently been able to see some movies that portray the art of a great director or Spanish gypsy folklore in general: Carlos Saura. A true genius of the film that talks about Tango, Flamenco and related stories, both ancient and modern. The 82 y.o director has produced , from 1955 to 2014, 45 films receiving 39 awards for his incredible production. He was one of the great proponents of the initiative to make the heritage of humanity Tango and Flamenco. We suggest you give it a read the brief description of the great director still living, made on Wikypedia, to understand his dedication to dance.