Mira Kartbayeva-Mikhail Lermontov

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Uno schema per i passi a seconda del corso di danza: può' essere utile?

Proponiamo uno schema per la sequenza degli steps a seconda del livello di istruzione dei danzatori. Molto spesso una tabella ci può aiutarci nella incombenza di organizzare i corsi di danza secondo uno schema ben preciso. Sebbene sia logico che ogni scuola o maestro ha il suo schema, questa tabella sicuramente aiuta nello svolgimento della lezione e del corso di Tango.

We propose a scheme for the sequence of steps depending on the level of education of the dancers. Very often, a table can help us in the task of organizing dance classes according to a definite pattern. Although it is logical that any teacher or school has its own schema, this table certainly helps in carrying out the lesson and the course of Tango.

Tango Beginner Level  Steps
1.       Forward step
2.       Back step
3.       Side step
4.       Rok step
5.       Walking step
6.       Walking with turn
7.       Soft knees
8.       Concept of leading
9.       Concept of following
10.   Requesting and accepting a dance
11.   Lead’s floor craft (collision avoidance, line of dance, etc)
12.   Open embrace
13.   Balance
14.   Axis
15.   Anticipation
16.   Rhythm
17.   Beat
18.   Posture and frame
19.   Connection with partner
20.   Weight changes in place
21.   Ocho, front and back
22.   Parallel and cross system
23.   Cruzada
24.   Simple embellishments (eg tap)
Tango Intermediate Level Steps
1.       Creativity on the floor
2.       Use of the follower’s free leg
3.       Close embrace
4.       Transition between open and close embrace
5.       Corrected posture positions (body, arms, elbows, legs…)
6.       Molinette
7.       Giro in the open embrace
8.       Boleo-back and forward
9.       Media  Luna
10.   Refinements of embellishments
11.   Barrida
12.   Sacada
13.   Ocho cortado
14.   Variations of the ocho (with barrida)
15.   Parada
16.   Vals
17.   Milonga
18.   Gancho
19.   Sanduchito
20.   Carpa
21.   Basic colgada

Tango Advanced Level Step
1.       Spontaneous variations of the steps – staccado and legado movements
2.       Precision of the posture and frame
3.       Refinement of the colgada
4.       Enganche
5.       Planeo
6.       Enrosque
7.       Calesita
8.       Volcada
9.       Refinement of the close embrace
10.   Giro (under close embrace)
11.   Syncopation
12.   Variation of the parade
13.   Variation of the boleo
14.   Variation of the barrida
15.   Variation of the ocho (revolving forward and back ochos)
16.   Variation of the sacada
17.   Variation of the colgada
18.   Follower’s conversation: resisting/releasing movement, using momentum, slowing/speeding things down
19.   Complex and refined embellishments

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