Mira Kartbayeva-Mikhail Lermontov

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Leader-follower-leader...Important change in a couple

This clip received recently, shows very well the necessity that a man has to perform his role like follower if he want to understand really what the partner has to do like leader.....

Yo no sé que me han hecho tus ojos - La nostra amica Mariel

In support of colleagues in difficulties

Di recente abbiamo avuto notizia che una scuola di Tango in Kazakhstan, di cui per corretta riservatezza non forniamo il nome, ha chiuso per mancanza di fondi economici e allievi. Questo ci ha davvero meravigliato, ma comprendiamo davvero bene quale sia la problematica in genere, in una nazione così complessa come il Kazakhstan. Tuttavia, nel supportare dei colleghi in difficoltà, crediamo giusto aggiungere che se non si applicano le regole del marketing, nulla di positivo accade, specialmente in una scuola ove si insegna una danza molto semplice ma nello stesso momento difficile da insegnare.

Io e la mia partner ricordiamo spesso, durante workshop o altro tipo di riunione, quanta mai fatica abbiamo avuto nel gestire le serate di lezione, specie nei primi momenti. La difficoltà primaria, incontrata nelle lezioni, di dover far comprendere il concetto di abbraccio,  il capire che non si può danzare con i tacchi da 16 cm, il capire che cosa sia il concetto di passione,il concetto di maschio latino in un maschio asiatico. Ma non solo: quante mai volte si è scelto di variare il programma di volta in volta, per far attirare l'attenzione degli allievi, cambiando musiche, passi, inter-scambiando tra loro i partners, gli stessi concetti manipolati per essere compresi meglio. Senza contare che abbiamo faticato non poco a far comprendere lo stesso concetto di Tango: bello, come mi piace! Lo voglio fare anche io! Era la frase che correva di più tra le ragazze, ma alla fine le serate erano piene di ragazze e pochissimi ragazzi. Queste difficoltà, sommate alla necessità quasi morbosa di voler fare tutto in una sola serata (fatto un tipo di passo, ci si sentiva spesso chiedere: e adesso cosa si deve fare?-come se avessero dovuto aspettare una sequenza fissa da eseguire immediatamente), ci hanno messo in seria difficoltà a volte, perché ogni passo aveva una sua difficoltà comprensiva ed una sua difficoltà esecutiva, come se l'uso delle gambe e dei piedi fosse solo una cosa automatica del cervello e non una manovra consapevole e volontaria. Questo per quanto riguarda la struttura delle difficoltà di tirocinio, poi esiste anche la parte di marketing: in una lezione, chi insegna deve essere sempre competitivo, deve dare esempio di bravura non solo nella danza ma anche nel come insegnare i suoi passi, nell'approccio con i danzatori e nel creare un qual certo tipo di ambiente che tenga allegra e interessata la platea. Occorre anche spendere qualche ora nello spiegare la storia e la iconografia della danza che si sta insegnando e dare agli allievi le opportune direttive nella esecuzione dei passi, dopo averli spiegati bene a parole.Senza questi presupposti, la scuola diventa un banale centro di incontro a pagamento che nulla ha a che vedere con il Tango, la sua storia e il suo magico mondo.

 We recently had news that a school of Tango in Kazakhstan, the name of which we do not provide for correct confidentiality, closed for lack of funds and number of students . This has really marveled us, but we understand very well what is the problem in general, in a country as complex as Kazakhstan. However, in support of the colleagues in trouble, we just add that if you do not apply the rules of marketing, nothing positive happens, especially in a school where it has been teachds a very simple dance, but at the same time a dance difficult to be teached.

I and my partner often remember, during workshops or other type of meeting, how much effort we have had in managing the evening lesson, especially in the early stages. The primary difficulty, met in lessons, to understand the concept of embrace, the understanding that it is impossible to dance with heels of 16cm, the understanding of what is the concept of passion, and to explain the concept of what could be a male Latino in respect of  male Asian. But not only this: how many times we chose to change the program from time to time, in order to attract the attention of students, changing the music, steps, interchanging between them the partners, the same concepts manipulated, to be better understandable. Not to mention that we have struggled just to help people understand the concept of Tango: beautiful, how I like it!! I want to do it too! It was the phrase that ran more among girls, but at the end of the evenings were full of girls and only few boys. These difficulties, added to the almost morbid need to want to do everything in one night (did a kind of step, it felt often ask, and what should you do now?-As if they had to wait for a fixed sequence to be executed immediately), they put us in serious trouble at times, because every step had its own difficulties understanding and its difficulty of execution, such as if the use of the legs and feet was just an automatic thing of the brain and not a maneuver conscious and voluntary. So much for the structure of the difficulty of training, then there is also the part of marketing: a lesson, those who teach must always be competitive, it must set an example of bravery, not only in dance but also in how to teach his steps, in approach with the dancers and how to create a certain kind of environment that takes the audience happy and interested. It should also spend some time explaining the history and iconography of the dance that is teaching, and giving the students the appropriate directives in the execution of the steps, after having explained well using words. Without these assumptions, the school becomes a trivial center meeting payment that has nothing to do with the Tango, its history and its magical world.

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Carlos Saura: The Wizard of Gipsy

Avete da poco potuto vedere alcuni filmati che ritraggono l'arte di un grande regista del folklore Spagnolo o gitano in genere: Carlos Saura. Un vero genio della cinematografia che parla di Tango, Flamenco e storie correlate, sia antiche che moderne. L'ottantaduenne regista ha prodotto, dal 1955 al 2014, 45 films ricevendo ben 39 awards per la sua incredibile produzione. Fu lui uno dei fautori della grande iniziativa di rendere patrimonio della umanità il Tango e il Flamenco. Vi suggeriamo di dare una lettura alla breve descrizione del grande regista ancora vivente, fatta su Wikypedia, per comprendere la sua dedizione alla danza.

Carlos Saura

 Have you recently been able to see some movies that portray the art of a great director or Spanish gypsy folklore in general: Carlos Saura. A true genius of the film that talks about Tango, Flamenco and related stories, both ancient and modern. The 82 y.o director has produced , from 1955 to 2014, 45 films receiving 39 awards for his incredible production. He was one of the great proponents of the initiative to make the heritage of humanity Tango and Flamenco. We suggest you give it a read the brief description of the great director still living, made on Wikypedia, to understand his dedication to dance.

Carlos Saura's Carmen (Tabacalera) - Cristina Hoyos & Laura Del Sol

Carlos Saura - Carmen (1983) 3

Tango Saura Julio Bocca Carlos Rivarola

Uno schema per i passi a seconda del corso di danza: può' essere utile?

Proponiamo uno schema per la sequenza degli steps a seconda del livello di istruzione dei danzatori. Molto spesso una tabella ci può aiutarci nella incombenza di organizzare i corsi di danza secondo uno schema ben preciso. Sebbene sia logico che ogni scuola o maestro ha il suo schema, questa tabella sicuramente aiuta nello svolgimento della lezione e del corso di Tango.

We propose a scheme for the sequence of steps depending on the level of education of the dancers. Very often, a table can help us in the task of organizing dance classes according to a definite pattern. Although it is logical that any teacher or school has its own schema, this table certainly helps in carrying out the lesson and the course of Tango.

Tango Beginner Level  Steps
1.       Forward step
2.       Back step
3.       Side step
4.       Rok step
5.       Walking step
6.       Walking with turn
7.       Soft knees
8.       Concept of leading
9.       Concept of following
10.   Requesting and accepting a dance
11.   Lead’s floor craft (collision avoidance, line of dance, etc)
12.   Open embrace
13.   Balance
14.   Axis
15.   Anticipation
16.   Rhythm
17.   Beat
18.   Posture and frame
19.   Connection with partner
20.   Weight changes in place
21.   Ocho, front and back
22.   Parallel and cross system
23.   Cruzada
24.   Simple embellishments (eg tap)
Tango Intermediate Level Steps
1.       Creativity on the floor
2.       Use of the follower’s free leg
3.       Close embrace
4.       Transition between open and close embrace
5.       Corrected posture positions (body, arms, elbows, legs…)
6.       Molinette
7.       Giro in the open embrace
8.       Boleo-back and forward
9.       Media  Luna
10.   Refinements of embellishments
11.   Barrida
12.   Sacada
13.   Ocho cortado
14.   Variations of the ocho (with barrida)
15.   Parada
16.   Vals
17.   Milonga
18.   Gancho
19.   Sanduchito
20.   Carpa
21.   Basic colgada

Tango Advanced Level Step
1.       Spontaneous variations of the steps – staccado and legado movements
2.       Precision of the posture and frame
3.       Refinement of the colgada
4.       Enganche
5.       Planeo
6.       Enrosque
7.       Calesita
8.       Volcada
9.       Refinement of the close embrace
10.   Giro (under close embrace)
11.   Syncopation
12.   Variation of the parade
13.   Variation of the boleo
14.   Variation of the barrida
15.   Variation of the ocho (revolving forward and back ochos)
16.   Variation of the sacada
17.   Variation of the colgada
18.   Follower’s conversation: resisting/releasing movement, using momentum, slowing/speeding things down
19.   Complex and refined embellishments

Traspies e Sacada in Tango Valtzer

Nella esecuzione di un Tango Valtzer, la Sacada ha una qual certa importanza; essa deve essere eseguita rispettando il tempo musicale e una certa coreografia, che dia alla coppia che danza una eleganza tutta particolare. Se poi alla Sacada si aggiunge un Traspies, ecco che la figura aumenta in ricercatezza.
Offriamo qui la visione di una lezione di questi passi fatta da Giorgina e Oscar Mandagaran, con l'intento di darvi un supporto maggiore durante il vostro tirocinio o, viceversa, di creare un presupposto per discutere su questi passi a volte controversi.
In execution of a tango waltz, the Sacada has a certain importance; it must be carried out following the tempo and a certain choreography, which gives couples dancing elegance all its own. Then if you add a traspies to Sacada, that's the figure increases in sophistication.
We offer here a vision of a lesson of these steps made ​​by Georgina and Oscar Mandagaran, with the intent to give more support during your internship or conversely to create a basis for discussing these steps sometimes disputed.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Images of us...Mira & Misha...

Tango nuevo style - Tango electronico - emotango

New York Tango Film

A small and fast presentation of us dancers...Mira and Misha...

The Tango...

Tango, the namesake of what? Pseudonym, synonym of which stands for the word or act or verb? How many times in our community living, hears or pronounce this word, often linked to a dance but also to a concept. Even an oil company in the Netherlands, has used the word Tango for their petrol pumps: TANGO, Tank and GO! The same can be said about how many times discussed, talked about, imitated something from the world of Tango immediately after seeing a movie or a TV show based on this dance.
Silent and hidden from the darkness to live in the brothels of a rich Buenos Ayres, danced by gigolos and prostitutes, up to the forefront of the most famous theaters in the world and danced by millions of people of all social status, every race, every nationality, age, religion or status social, they have spent a lot of time and almost everything in the basement of the many theaters in the province, before moving on to greater fame.
At one time taught in the street, danced initially between men waiting for pleasure by easy girls, now it is taught everywhere and in real Dance Academies, allowing even the birth of a specific literature, so as to get him to the heights of notoriety historical, with the declaration by UNESCO in 2009, in which it is stated that the Tango and Flamenco are intangible assets of Humanity, for giving the world and the history of something unique and tied to the continuity of life in his well-being inner and social.

(Article original proposed by Mikhail Lermontov.@Copyright-Misha2014- Reproduction forbidden)

a small part of the book I am writing...

Alongside the Tango refuse

He saw Altinai seated  on a bench near the park. Her shoe bag near the corner and mobile phone in the hands. He seated near her opening a Coco Cola tin.
-What is happening, Altinai? Your boyfriend doesn’t answer to your sms? Saddest moment? Depression?
-I am not sure to continue your lessons…I am tired, I do not find reason to continue Tango…
-And why? What is the problem that block you on follow lessons? – He put the hand on her shoulder, like to protect her speech.
-I do not know, I feel no sense to continue if I am not able to follow what you say and show. I am not a dancer, it is difficult to follow you, to understand you, especially on what you expect from me, from us! It seems to me that I am a monkey and not a woman when I move.  I have no partner for dancing and often you oblige me to dance with another woman. Now I am tired, and I don’t know what to do.
-Nobody arrives on this life able to dance, Athena. We discover to be able to dance after, really after years of listening music, looking people dance; or we become dancers just because the parents impose to younger to enter in the academies of dancing.
-You are not my parent and it seems you impose me what to do in all actions..
-In all? I am only your teacher for dancing, and if you do not want to continue stop it, you are not my wife or my mother or my sister. Probably you have not yet well understood that Tango is not only a dance, is a philosophy of life, a system to survive in bad moments, a love which permits to be loved without words but by dancing different positions, remembering good mood and so on..
-But why you want  to teach this fucking dance as you like and not as should be in other schools!! Why you have to impose exercises, horrible music, personal moving to be changed and we do not want to change? You do not understand that we are here for our fun and your selfish!!
-To enjoy the fun moments together other people it is requested non commitments and no targets; if the funny moments are with a target as Tango dancing, it means that a lot of fun moments will arrive after understanding what to do during it.
Maestro left her and in front of other park visitors started to dance Tango without music, allowing to some of them to stop the walking for smiling at his behavior and imitate him in some moving. He took Altinai hands and started a small Milonga with her…

(from  “The Master  fo Tango” – copyright@Misha2014)