Seconda puntata sui Bigs del Tango - Oggi parliamo e vediamo Carlos Gavito e Marcela Duran, una coppia che ha dato il meglio di se nella carriera per rappresentare il Tango nel mondo del cinema, del teatro e di tanti palcoscenici nel mondo. Carlos mori di cancro a Luglio del 2005, a Buenos Ayres, mentre Marcela ancora danza nei più prestigiosi teatri della danza moderna. Tutti ricordiamo il lento progredire della malattia di Carlos che, nonostante fosse in non perfette condizioni, mai si è ritirato o mai ha declinato un appuntamento con la sua danza.
Vediamo alcuni passi salienti di questa fenomenale coppia e di lui come docente, in questi clips che produciamo da YouTube.
Carlos y Marcela - Carlos was together Juan Copes in dancing
In 1956 he started to dance in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 1974 he worked with Juan Carlos Copes. He also traveled the world with his dance company and his dance partner and wife, Helen Gavito, who qualified at the Scottish Royal Ballet School. In 1995, he went to dance with Forever Tango, However, Helen was not invited to join him, as the Director of Forever Tango wanted only Argentinian dancers - which she was not. Throughout the 1990s, he was part of Forever Tango which played in eight US West Coast cities, increasing viewers' interest in learning how to dance the tango. Gavito was the only English-speaker in the company. Gavito's ultimate rise to fame came from his starring appearances in Forever Tango.
Let's see some salient passages of this phenomenal couple, and him as a lecturer, in these clips that we produce from YouTube.
Yes, we know that it has already posted this clip, but we do it to understand what perfection had the couple in the dance "For Evaristo Carriego". This is our purpose.
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